Friday, 16 September 2016

Two months In

The biggest problem with preparing on your own is evolving a strategy.

When you go to coaching they set you targets and you have to achieve them. If you buy a test series like Insights too, that happens. But then, when you do that you also start seeing that its not working for you. Though this may happen with coaching as well.

I tried following Insights timetables but I think its not allowing me to connect things and study. Its also not giving me time enough for my optional though that is partly my own inability to plan and meet targets.

Then I saw Tina Dabi's video on studying the same topic for a week at the very least and it makes a world of sense. I do remember textbooks better when I've finished them in one go.
I would have liked to buy IAS baba's series too, but that would be just too expensive for now.

So now, I shall try to spend a week or more covering a subject and see what happens.

With newspapers I'm good now. I can read it in max 2 hours though writing it takes much longer.